What is an API Application Programming Interface

Although flexibility is a big advantage of REST API design, that same flexibility makes it easy to design an API that’s broken or performs poorly. For this reason, professional developers share best practices in REST API specifications. It makes a remote program appear to be local by making use of RPCs (Remote Procedural Calls). Both define a standard communication protocol for the exchange of messages in XML (Extensible Markup Language). Luckily, Google offers an API for Google Maps that allows you to embed it into your guide. That way, you don’t have to make a complex program to access Google Maps.

api explanation

Parameter validation and JSON Web Tokens are other ways to ensure that only authorized clients can access the API. REST APIs usually send static resources, but in certain cases, responses
can also contain executable code (such as Java applets). When possible, resources should be cacheable on the client or server side. Server responses also need to contain information about whether caching is allowed for the delivered resource. The goal is to improve performance on the client side, while increasing scalability on the server side.

What is an API? Application programming interfaces explained

RESTful systems support messaging in different formats, such as plain text, HTML, YAML, XML and JSON, while SOAP only allows XML. Each has their strengths, and the “right choice,” might depend on use case. However, the ability to support multiple formats for storing and exchanging data is one of the reasons REST is a prevailing choice for building public APIs. To learn how to establish an API strategy that can enhance the customer experience or transform your business, read this whitepaper on API strategy essentials.

REST APIs need to be designed
so that neither the client nor the server can tell whether it
communicates with the end application or an intermediary. API (Application Programming Interface) Integration is the connection between two or more applications, via APIs, letting you exchange data. It is a medium through which you can share data and communicate with each other by involving IT blog APIs to allow web tools to communicate. Due to the rise in cloud-based products, API integration has become very important. Webhooks are lightweight callback functions that facilitate event-driven communication between APIs. In the traditional request-response cycle, an API client actively sends a request to an API server in order to retrieve data or perform actions.

APIs in libraries, packages, and modules

The browser is a provider that offers web browsing capabilities that the JavaScript program accesses via a programming interface, the browser’s API. An API is the part of a software program that is accessible to other programs. For this reason, you might see a reference to the API surface area of a program. The API surface area is the outside layer of the program or component, like the wall of a cell, as shown in Figure 1. APIs follow the HTTP protocol to communicate, which has a specific request and response structure.

api explanation

Think in terms of the separation of concerns, and try to expose only as much information about your component as is strictly required. An API gateway is software that takes user requests, processes them, routes them to the appropriate backend services, and delivers the relevant data back to the user in a simplified package. You can think of them like a front desk receptionist who communicates with customers and helps coordinate the appropriate actions behind the scenes.

What are API integrations?

JSON is popular because it’s readable by both humans and machines—and it is programming language-agnostic. It is implemented to extend the functionality of a browser, simplify complex functions, and provide easy syntax to complex code. The difference between an API and a web application is that API allows two-way communication and web applications are just a way for users to interact through a web browser. Programming paradigms like object oriented programming and functional programming take different approaches to facilitating the development of good APIs.

  • First, modern APIs adhere to specific standards (typically HTTP and REST), which enable APIs to be developer-friendly, self-described, easily accessible, and understood broadly.
  • The application sending the request is called the client, and the application sending the response is called the server.
  • Communications that take place over the HTTP protocol are also known as the request-response cycle because this is exactly how the protocol works.
  • In effect, these API protocols facilitate standardized information exchange.
  • Because REST-based APIs are simple, they can be the perfect APIs for beginners.

APIs enable integration so that these platforms and apps can seamlessly communicate with one another. Through this integration, companies can automate workflows and improve workplace collaboration. Without APIs, many enterprises would lack connectivity, causing information silos that compromise productivity and performance.


All but the most trivial programs consist of language-level expressions and constructs (like ifs, loops, and operators) used in conjunction with calls to the APIs found in other packages. In turn, each program is also a component that can potentially be included and used by other programs. In order to work, the JavaScript program requires access to the browser’s capabilities. In this case, the JavaScript program is the API client and the browser is the API provider.

api explanation

Based on these facts, it’s safe to assume that the API-centered development approach will continue to grow and prosper in the upcoming future. As compared to its peers, SOAP-based APIs (Simple Object Access Protocol) can be viewed as quite complex in terms of use. These APIs use a type of protocol known as Simple Object Access Protocol, which is a common communication protocol.

What is an API key?

The client here can be your mobile phone, desktop or laptop computer, or any device you use to surf the internet. And the server is a bigger computer that stores the data you want (a photo in our case). The API development process can vary widely according to the API’s purpose, language, and scope.

Nevertheless, every new API will need to be designed, implemented with an API development framework, and thoroughly tested to ensure it’s working as expected. API development is an iterative and collaborative process, so it’s important to leverage the appropriate tooling to ensure everything runs as smoothly as possible. It’s also essential for teams to use an API platform that integrates with these tools, which will reduce friction and augment existing workflows.

Software Testing Tools

They also offer significant benefits to developers and organizations at large. REST APIs follows a fixed structure, and always return a whole data set for a specified object. If the request is more complex, spanning multiple resources, for example, the client must submit separate requests for each resource. GraphQL is a query language and API runtime that Facebook developed internally in 2012 before it became open source in 2015. GraphQL and REST are both stateless, use a client/server model and use HTTP. GraphQL solves for some limitations of REST, for example, providing the ability to more accurately target wanted resources with a single request.

api explanation